Date: 13 – 14 Dec 2024 (Fri – Sat)
Time: 8.45am – 5.00pm on both days
Venue: Report to Sports Hub at 8.45am on Day 1, remainder of camp at The Buddhist Library. (View full details below)
Fee: $60 (includes all meals and transport)
Registration is closed. Do join us for our regular Mindfulness for Young Children programme instead.

About this program

Outdoor mindfulness, Puja, tele-match at Sports Hub, poetry, scavenger hunt, Nagomi Art, an activity to express gratitude to parents, and more!

Buddhist Library (BL) Sunday School is organizing a 2 day camp on 13 – 14 Dec 2024 (Fri – Sat) led by Venerable Faxun (法巽法师) and BL Sunday School Teachers and Volunteers, jam-packed with these well-crafted and meaningful activities.

Do sign up for a place for this camp!

Who is this program for? 

  • For children of school levels Pri 3 – 6.
  • As a bonus to our existing MYC students: current P2 students are eligible to join this programme.

About the Trainers

Venerable Faxun

Ven Faxun is a Singaporean Buddhist monastic who is passionate about sharing the practice and benefits of secular mindfulness with the wider community.

She holds a Bachelor of Arts and Education degree from the University of Western Australia, and has designed a mindfulness programme “Mindfulness and Loving Kindness (M.I.L.K.) in Education” as part of her Masters Degree, which was piloted in a primary school in Singapore.

She takes delight in designing programmes and games to address the emotional and developmental needs of young children. Recently, she published a jigsaw puzzle to help children develop the ability to stay focused via Mindful Play.

Ven Faxun has over twenty years of experience in teaching both children and adults at various Buddhist centres in Singapore, Malaysia and Western Australia. She is the author of the book “One Life, Five Precepts”, and contributes articles to Buddhist magazines.

Buddhist Library Sunday School Teachers and Volunteers

The Buddhist Library has had a long-running Sunday School program for our young ones, and this has been taught by both monastics and very dedicated lay teachers. At this camp, our Sunday School Teachers & Volunteers will be teaching together with Venerable Faxun.

Instructions for parents:

  • For Day 1. Bring your child to Sports Hub at 8.45am latest (tentative meeting point is Stadium MRT Exit A), pick up your child from Buddhist Library at 5.00pm.
  • For Day 2. Bring your child to Buddhist Library at 8.45am. Join us for a special “Gratitude to Our Parents” session at Buddhist Library around 4pm.
  • Food allergies. Lunch and tea will be vegetarian. We regret to inform we may not be able to cater to those who have more specific food requirements.
  • Nevertheless, you will be asked in the registration form to list down any food allergies your child has, and we will let you know 5 to 7 days before the workshop if you need to prepare a meal and snacks for your child to bring along.
  • We will WhatsApp you comprehensive admin instructions, and do so closer to the camp dates. This will include instructions on what your children need to bring.


Registration is closed. Do join us for our regular Mindfulness for Young Children programme instead.