Date: 23 Jan (Fri) to 25 Jan 2015 (Sun) & 31 Jan (Sat) to 1 Feb 2015 (Sun)
Time: Fri 7.30pm – 9.30pm/ Sat 10.00am – 6.00pm/ Sun 10.00am – 5.00pm
Venue: The Buddhist Library
Mandala of the 5 Elements
$350 (Others) / $280 (Member) ~ 2 weekends*
$190 (Others) / $155 (Member) ~ 1 weekend
Please register in person at the above address or contact us for enquiries.
*Priority given for those attending both weekends
Course Details
- Paper will be offered to everybody for free.
- Please bring a set of drawing materials, or you can borrow or buy them in class for S$25 (long 50cm ruler, triangular ruler, mechanical pencil, eraser and eraser pencil).
- Bring a compass too, if you have one.
- For the painting sessions on the 2nd weekend, please bring the following, either
a) good quality colored pencils (like Prismacolor Premier) or
b) If you want to paint, a square canvas minimum 11”x11” (surface as fine and smooth as possible) or a sturdy paper that is suitable for painting, gouache paints or acrylic paints (matte), brushes (fine & medium).
You can also check the list of materials on Carmen’s website.
Tibetan Thangka Painting
The basis of Indian Ayurvedic Medicine was formed by the elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space. This system was later incorporated in the Tibetan Medicine. Inside ourselves, these elements correspond to our chakras and are correlated to different emotions, temperaments, colors, tastes, body types, illnesses, thinking styles and characters. In these weekends you will learn all about it. This mandala was used to explain the relationship between the diseases and their treatments.
In these 2 weekends you will be able to paint or draw this beautiful mandala according to the Tibetan Buddhist Thangka tradition (scroll paintings). You can either choose to draw the Mandala with colored pencils or to paint it and learn how to work with the special thangka painting techniques. Experience in drawing/painting is not necessary! It’s also possible to use these weekends to complete your previous thangka drawings.