Date: 14 Apr (Thur) 2016
Time: 7.30pm to 9.00pm
Venue: Buddhist Library
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Martial Arts as a Platform to Learn Basic Buddhism
What has Martial Arts got to do with Buddhism?
What has Martial Arts got to do with Meditation?
Is Martial Arts all about Violence?
Let our book reviewer Nikko Tan share with us his understanding on this topic.
Book Reviewer: Nikko Tan
Nikko, a student of the mind and body, is the chief instructor of Singapore Unarmed Training Institute. He trained under his grandfather’s Martial Arts (Khong Chang) in the year of 1977, at the age of 10. At the age of 17, he earned his Black Belt and continued to study, practice and conduct Body Weight Exercise and Martial Arts classes for over 38 years.
Traditionally his grandfather taught martial arts using weapons. His father taught unarmed combat, and now he is teaching martial arts as a platform to fight against stress, obesity and depression.