Due to the Orange DORSCON level, The Buddhist Library is suspending all classes and in house activities with immediate effect. Below are the affected activities. The Buddhist Library will be closed until further notice. Please call us from 12pm to 6pm if you wish to make an appointment with the Bhantes. Thank you for your understanding. May the Triple Gem bless us all.
1. CNY Visit to Tai Pei Old Peoples’ Home (Cancelled)
We will be sending all the collected Ang Pow money to Tai Pei Old Peoples’ Home instead.
2. Sunday Puja
3. Sunday School & Mindfulness for Children
4. Saturday Yoga
5. Ven. Chuan Guan’s Class (Thur, Sat, Sun)
6. Ven. Wan Chin’s Class (Sat)
7. Saturday Meditation & Dhamma Class (Sat) led by Foo Siew Ee, Foo Siew Fong, M.J. Lee, Tan Sock Hoon
8. Basic Dhamma & Meditation Class led by Tan Chau Yee
9. Free & Easy Meditation (Tue) led by Bhante Somananda
10. Photography Workshop 2020
11. Full Moon Pujas (Every Full Moon Day)
12. Basic Buddhism Through Suttapitika led by Bhante Wimalajothi
13. Cheng Beng Memorial Services (Cancelled)