Date: 21 Jan to 5 Feb 2023
Time: Refer to schedule below
Venue: The Buddhist Library (except Visit to Tai Pei Old People’s Home)
Please join us for our activities! All are welcome!
Update: due to overwhelming response, the CNY gathering lunch is fully subscribed to. Do come to our other events and programmes instead.
Come join us for our activities! There will be puja, chanting and blessings from New Year’s eve onwards. This will be rounded off by our annual visit to the Tai Pei Old People’s Home on 4 Feb 2023, and a Chinese New Year Puja and Lunch Gathering (with lohei) on 5 Feb 2023. Hope to see you at the library.
The Chinese New Year activities are as follows:
21 Jan, Sat (Chinese New Year Eve 年除夕) |
3pm – 4pm | Special Chinese New Year Puja & Chanting 农历新年诵经法会 (英文和巴利文) |
22 Jan, Sun (1st Day of Chinese New Year 年初一)
8.00am – 9.00am | Blessings By Buddhist Library Resident Sangha 法师祝福 |
11am – 11.30am | Puja in Pali & English 巴利文与英文诵经法会 |
11.30am – 11.45am | Dhamma Talk 法师开示 |
11.45am | Dana for Monks 供养法师 |
8.00-9.30pm | Chanting in Chinese led by 远青师父 ( 新年共修) |
23 Jan, Mon (2nd Day of Chinese New Year 年初二) |
6.30am – 8.30am | Library Opens for Blessings 图书馆从早上六点半至八点半, 开放给公众人士祈福。 (Buddhist Library will be closed for the rest of the day) |
New Year House Blessing ServiceNew Year House Blessing Service will commence from 2nd Day (23 Jan) 新年住家祝福活动法师将从年初二 (一月二十三日) 起进行一年一度的住家祝福活动。 |
24 Jan, Tue (3rd Day of Chinese New Year 年初三) |
4pm – 8pm | Library resumes usual opening hours 图书馆照常开放 |
4th Feb, Sat (14th Day of Chinese New Year 年初十四) |
2.00pm – 3.30pm | Visit to Tai Pei Old People’s Home 拜访大悲老人院 (Hong Bao donation for the elderly) Venue: Tai Pei Old People’s Home – No. 10 Jalan Ampas Singapore 329510 All are welcome! Please register here if you are interested. 如果想参加,请注册 |
5 Feb, Sun (15th Day of Chinese New Year 年初十五) |
10.00am | Puja in Pali & English 巴利文与英文诵经法会 |
11.30am | Chinese New Year Lunch Gathering (Lohei) 农历新年聚餐!
Click here to indicate your interest so we know how much to cater。 |
Featured image photo credit: callmetak on Freepik