Update on Building Repairs 通知: 维修工程的进展

Very happy to share that we have managed to reach our initial target for fundraising efforts ($150k) and have been able to commence the building repairs we have planned. We have just replaced our classroom false ceilings and repaired our air-conditioning piping, and more repairs are on the way:

Everything has gone smoothly thus far, and we will update again if there are unforeseen complications and unexpected cost increases. Thank you to our Brothers and Sisters in the Dhamma who have made this possible!

很高兴能跟大家分享有关维修工程的进展:我们已经筹到了初步目标 (15万新元)! 因此,图书馆已经开始维修工作。我们刚修完课室的天花板和几个空调管道,更多的维修工作正在进行中。如果因为成本提高或需要更多的款项,我们会再通知大家。 非常感恩及感谢各位佛友的鼎力支持,使维修工作得以进行!

May the Wheel of Dhamma continue to turn,

The Buddhist Library

Our original appeal letter, detailing the situation we faced and our call for support, can be viewed here.