Date: 26 Jul 2015 (Sun)
Time: 10am – 5pm
Venue: The Buddhist Library, Art Gallery


Dhamma Day, a Buddhist celebration, marks the day when Lord Buddha gave his first sermon to the five ascetics in Deer Park. Celebrated by Buddhists worldwide, it’s considered a time to reflect on the qualities of the Buddha and express gratitude for his teachings which offer humanity a way to find release from its bonds.


Offerings for Dhamma Day 供养方式

  • Offerings of Candles to 28 Buddhas ($50) 供灯
  • Offerings of Books/Education Materials ($20) 供法
  • Offerings of Flowers ($20) 供花

Programme Schedule 节目表

Time Activities
10am – 10.30am Offerings to the 28 Buddhas and Chanting(Pali)
礼敬二十八佛和诵经 (巴利文)
10.30am – 11.15am Chanting of Dhammacakka Sutta (First Sermon of the Buddha)
诵念转法轮经 (佛陀的第一个开示)
11.15am – 11.45am Dhamma Talk by Ven. Chuan Guan “Best way to spread Dhamma
11.45am – 12.30pm Dana to Venerables and Lunch for all participants
1pm – 2.30pm Movie “The Words of My Perfect Teacher” screening & discussion
播放电影 《真师之言》和讨论
3pm – 4pm Dhamma Talk by Ven. Wan Chin
4.30pm – 5pm Puja and Pali Chanting, followed by Refreshments